Category Archives: Type 2 Diabetes

If you are a type 2 diabetic researching life insurance policies, it is important to educate yourself about how your health will affect the type of policy you can get and the rate you’ll pay. High rates, rejection, and invasive medical exams and questions are some of the concerns of type 2 diabetics who are shopping for life insurance.For a very long time, type 2 diabetes put up a block to getting affordable life insurance. It is interesting because type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest growing health issues in America with  26 million people diagnosed, and millions more with symptoms of pre-diabetes. With those kinds of statistics, insurance companies can’t afford to ignore diabetics as a potential market. So insurance underwriters are becoming more and more familiar with diabetes and its effect on morality and your health overall.Fortunately, the insurance market has changed a great deal. There are many “diabetic friendly” companies that offer reasonable rates. There is even a company that now offers preferred rates to type 2 diabetics, if you meet the criteria. This is unheard of! And this company is the first of its kind to do this, but hopefully there are more to follow.Read some of the articles below to learn more about obtaining life insurance if you have type 2 diabetes or get a free quote now.

Why Underwriters View Diabetics As High Risk

Why Underwriters View Diabetics As High Risk

When you apply for life insurance coverage, the insurance agents are going to look at a variety of different factors to determine how much of a risk you are to insure. The more risk that you are, the more they are going to charge you for insurance coverage. If you’re too great of a risk, then the company could decline your application.

Life insurance underwriters are employed to assess the risk that you pose to a company. “Risk” means the likelihood that your policy will have to pay out, and since diabetics have a much higher chance of developing long-term health complications, like heart disease, neuropathy, and kidney failure, insurance underwriters automatically label your application as risky. Continue Reading

Take Charge of your Diabetes

Living with Diabetes?  When you were first diagnosed with Diabetes, or maybe Pre Diabetic you probably didn’t have a clue what it was.  You might have thought you were eating too much sugar maybe?   Or perhaps you thought you would never enjoy your favorite chocolate or candy again?  But now living with Diabetes has become… Continue Reading

Life Insurance For Diabetics With Neuropathy

That burning sensation in your toes and feet could be due to nerve damage from a diabetic related condition called peripheral neuropathy.  Almost 50% of people with either type 1 diabetes  or type 2 diabetes develop nerve damage. Peripheral neuropathy is the most likely outcome, affecting toes, feet, legs, hands, and arms. What’s happening? Over… Continue Reading

10 Diabetes Superfoods

An article provided by the American Diabetes Association about ten diabetes superfoods provided a great start to planning my weekly diet for type 2 diabetes.  The ten best foods included on their list all had a low glycemic index and included other key nutrients such as calcium, fiber, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A, C and E… Continue Reading

Alcohol and Diabetes

Many of us will be attending Super Bowl parties in the coming week, and wonder what is safe for a person with type 2 diabetes.  Of course, any individual decision should be discussed with your personal physician or care team, but in general these, listed below, are the common sense guidelines provided by the American… Continue Reading